Monday, November 17, 2008

kite grocery shopping at plus!

it took us forever to buy groceries today! we made a list, and then wandered around for about forever looking at all the things. . . these weird security guys dressed all in black were walking around in circles staring at us like we were crazy as we tried to figure out what was in the salad dressing (weird stuff) or read all the soup lables to see if there was meat in ("this one has smoked salted pig," i said)

grocery stores here are different than in the us- they are overall much, much smaller, and have only one or two different brands to choose from (maybe a few more for some items, like cookies). not all grocery stores have everything you might be looking for. for example, we could only find one brand of canned vegetables, and they only had one kind of beans (kidney). also, they don't always put all of one kind of item together. the dairy case was separated by brand, not by food type, so all the yogurt was all scattered around the back of the store, and the flour was in three different places, which makes price comparison tricky. also, (sorry, space chicken) they did not have peanut butter at Plus. today, anyway. maybe tomorrow?

all in all, i think we did pretty well, and i got to have chocolate ice cream, about which i was so so happy. . . still, it is difficult, after being used to all of those giant harris-teeters with six kinds of every imaginable thing. . .


  1. sounds like a chore shopping, good luck! did you know that omega fortified oj has anchoviy paste in it?

  2. eew. fish oranges! it's kind of an adventure shopping, unless you want to try to make something specific. we had to go to three stores to make the apple pie. . . and we still couldn't find "weinstein" (which is cream of tartar). the pie came out fine, though. c'est la vie.
