SO: i am continuing on the great jobsearch with some small successes; mostly everything is sort of hovering around presently: i have sent out a great number of applications and i have received several email-interview forms and i have a telefon interview next week. at this point i'm applying for everything: i would prefer an english-teacher job but what i need Most is an employment-visa and for that i need a letter from an employer. so.
sunday was anna's birthday! there was a really lovely party with aunts and uncles and cousins, etc. and cakes!
i baked some of them. . . with the metric system!! it's very efficient. you put the mixing bowl on a scale and add the ingredients by weight: 200 grams flour, 150 grams sugar, etc. and set the scale back to zero after each addition. you don't even have to wash any measuring devices!
1. sadly: sarah and anna left on monday (anna to munster, sarah to zurich). 2. buena: we will probably go to zurich on the 22nd, which is also a monday, to visit her for a few days! and anna lives much closer to us and can therefore come home on the weekends, which she does often to work on her master's thesis.
i can't remember ever being in zurich before (i was in switzerland once, i think, with the ef tour) and it's allegedly a very beautiful city although i'll probably not be able to understand anyone because they speak a very strange sort of german there.
yesterday phil & i took the train to Köln, which was very nice. it has a very intense history: the city was founded by the romans in the year 38 BC and is therefore one of the oldest german cities. i've been there before with sarah & etc. (it's very close to solingen); however, phil has not, and so we had a sort of mostlyuntouristy tourist-day. [it is important to take breaks in one's greater work, such as job-finding].
we went to midday prayer at the Kölner Dom & met a very interesting polish lady who invited us to visit her in poland (i think she thought i was polish, at first), and of course climbed the Dom tower. . .
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